When I was 30, I came out of truck driving for a while. I applied for an order-selection position at a food distribution warehouse. Order-selection jobs are only for the young: 30 is typically too old. I bugged them every day until they brought me in for an interview. There’s no way they were going to interview a 30 year old truck driver for such a strenuous job, and they made sure to tell me that. Yet, I convinced them to hire me and told them I would be the best order-selector they had.

I was placed in the freezer department where I gathered together store orders, in temperatures as low as -20 degrees. The young man who trained me was wicked fast: the fastest in the department.

Once I was done with my training period, I immediately started my goal at becoming the fastest; and I set my eyes on the very man who trained me.

One day, about 3 months after I started working there, one of the other order-selectors came to me and said, “why are you trying to beat him? You will never beat him. Why not work on trying to beat us?”. I had not said anything to anyone, but they noticed. I looked at this man and said, “In going after him, I’m already faster than you”.

The church is full of people who set their eyes on achieving godliness; the problem is, they set their eyes on the world - as long as they are better than them. They use the excuse, “It’s impossible to be like Christ”; even though it’s what is actually commanded of us.

The fact is, since we’ve all sinned, we all have that sinful desire; and there is going to be a point in which we fall. But, Holy Scripture makes it clear to set our eyes on the likeness of Christ, and pursue that. See, as long as we pursue Christ, in our Christ like walk, we will have greater success in achieving the godliness that God wants us to walk in - and people will notice that walk. The rest of those, who look only to be better than the world around them, will fall back into the sins of the world much more often - because they will have missed their mark on who to chase after.
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