QUOTES - Remez

Much of the New Testament consists of quotes from the Old Testament. These are called Remez (Hebrew) which is a hint towards something larger. We must remember that most of the Bible was written to Hebrews and even if it wasn't, the Gentile Christians were taught through Old Testament text (Acts 15:21). While we struggle with remembering what we were doing five minutes ago, people in these days did well at remembering Scriptures; especially the Jews who were raised with them taught to them morning and evening from childhood. The Hebrews knew Scripture and the author knows all they had to do is give a small quote to bring their reader back to the Old Testament Scripture that would paint a bigger picture.

When a speaker or author would quote a passage from the Old Testament the listener would recall the context around the quote. Any time you see quotes from the Old Testament, go back to that text and take a look at what it's saying in it's context so that you will know what understanding the Hebrew listener would have with that quote.

Let me give you a quick example.

The church often talks about "love your neighbor as yourself" and it's often used in defense by someone being corrected. "Why are you judging me? Why are you confronting me? Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself", one may say. That statement by Y'shua is out of Leviticus 19:18 where, in context, God gives a whole list of things to do for your neighbor and finishes up with don't hate your neighbor, rebuke them frankly, don't seek revenge, or bear a grudge, love your neighbor as yourself. This means, besides the other points, correction IS loving your neighbor as yourself. The point of the Remez is to cause a recall to the Hebrew listener to go back to Leviticus and recall everything that was listed from verses 9 through 18.

So look for these quotes and don't just glaze over them as if the quote is the only point the speaker or author is making. Whenever you see quotes, understand that quotes are trying to give larger clues in the treasure map to where the treasure lies. Go back to the Old Testament, where the quote came from, and look at the context of the story then transfer that back to the text being studied and see how the reader would have taken this knowledge and applied it to what the author was trying to teach under the
Renewed Covenant.